Board of Directors 2021-2022
The Board of Directors (Executive Committee) shall consist of Eleven (11) directors to fill the following functional positions. The members of the Board of Directors shall appoint officers, positions or portfolios from the elected/selected members/directors, amongst themselves in a democratic manner. The Chief Election Commissioner will conduct the election/selection/appointment process in a fair and impartial manner and he/she shall not have any voting right in the appointment process. Such election/selection process and declaration of newly elected Board of Directors shall be arranged and conducted jointly by the outgoing President and/or Election Commissioner within 7 days of declaration of the results of election of the directors.
Every officer will remain in his/her position as long as he/she carries the confidence of the majority of the members of the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors may form sub committees to carry out special tasks as and when necessary. Sub-committees shall work under the guidance of the executive committee and the sub-committees tenure shall end with the completion of the job they are assigned to do.
Each member of the Board of Directors shall serve a term as specified in the Constitution. The duties, rights, responsibilities and privileges of the Board of Directors shall be as provided for in the Constitution.